I'm Marcia Bench, and I've been helping women entrepreneurs and female founders create and grow their businesses - especially online - since 1986. I have helped over 3000 clients grow their businesses and made over $3 million in sales.
My passion is helping YOU create a thriving business around your unique purpose and message.
And at Female Founders Growth Academy, we're a community of like-minded women with BIG dreams, a BIG vision to make a positive contribution to the world - and the networking, events, training, and resources to make it happen!
Courageous stories from 14 women who have overcome setbacks and carved a path to self-empowerment and triumph as female founders.
Consider this:
Out of 32 million small businesses in the U.S., 42 percent are owned by women
Women-owned businesses employ approximately 11 million people
But only 2 percent of all female led businesses achieve a 7-figure annual revenue. 90 percent don’t even make 6 figures
looking for - where female founders gather to learn, grow and thrive
"It’s only been 7 weeks working with you and I just had a client renew with me last week for $3500, and a new client signed today $4500 for 6 months. I am also in the process of booking a speaking engagement for December. Exciting times!"
--Lesley Ingves, Productivity Specialist
"Thanks Marcia - I just renewed a 1:1 client for $9500, meeting just once a month for a year. And this is just the beginning!"
--Carrie Gallant, Executive Coach
"I have had 1445 people register for my summit and 42 upgrade to VIP, yielding nearly $2000 - and I haven't offered my coaching yet!"
--Susan Blanton, Happiness Coach
Join more than 37,000 women who have said yes to rapid growth - and get
instant access to our weekly Female Founders Fuel today!
--Jacquelyne, Professional Intuitive
--Natasha, Weight Loss Coach
“Marcia, you gave me a challenge - but I was in my head about it. You got me into action - and I got a corporate deal from it including two people at $26k, two others they want me to coach as well and having me speak at their DEI meeting. This is a $2B corporation so the opportunities are endless now. Thank you for the push - this is a game changer for me!”
--Alison Arnoff, Executive Coach